This Was Before

Before the endless complaining about the heat while refusing to remove the sweater.

Before the eye-rolling at every word uttered by little brother.

Before my begging them not to order the thing I knew they wouldn’t like and them ignoring me and then pouting because guess what, they didn’t like it.

Before the youngest had a meltdown because I wouldn’t let him pour 47 Splenda packets in his tea and stir it all with a toothpick.

Before I overheard one tell the other that they didn’t even want to watch the thing we were there to watch.

Before I said forget it and drove us back home with the Whiplash soundtrack that I know they’re sick of turned up loud so no one would talk.

Before I glanced in the mirror thinking they were all shook but saw them happily reading and one of them even tapping their foot to the very music I played as punishment.

This was before all that. Just so you know.

But these days, with two tweens and a fiery little one just getting over a thumb sucking habit, I guess I’ll take whatever smiles I can get.


This was way better than I expected. It’s not Killen’s, but it’s pretty dang tasty. And the collard greens…yes.

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