I am not a Beyonce fan. It is best advised that a 32-year-old Black woman never voice this in a room full of her peers. She will likely be tarred and feathered, forever shunned at the very least. I’ve never purchased (or even illegally downloaded for that matter) any of her albums. One time, I […]

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  • Charlene

    Didnt know you blogged but I look forward to reading more of your thoughts! Love yaReplyCancel

  • I almost cried about you not being a Beyonce fan. (How?!) But yes, DITTO on the Solange.

    Great post. Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • LOL at the tar and feathers. Even though I am a HUGE Bey fan, I can understand just not being moved by a particular artist…doesn’t make you a hater at all. Folks get so uptight about that kinda stuff. But, I am pretty sure Beyonce doesn’t care about the presumed “haters”, so why get my panties in a bunch?

    I am also a HUGE fan of Solange — the singer, the DJ, the fashionista. I just think her whole vibe is so cool. I have also had the pleasure of meeting her, and she is just too cool for school (in a good way!).ReplyCancel

    • larami

      Thanks for your input, Eboni. How cool that you got to meet her! I think I’ll make it a mission to bump into her here in Houston. For a minute I forgot that she was a DJ. Dang, she just got that much cooler.ReplyCancel

  • I didn’t know Solange was a photographer? Do you have any links to her photo work?ReplyCancel

    • larami

      Marco, she has a tumblr called My Damn Blog and I’m ASSUMING the images that she posts are her own as she never lists a source and they all have a very distinct (and similar) look. I wanna say she’s shooting with film at times. Check it out. http://mydamnblog.com/ReplyCancel

  • LOVED this!!!!! I feel the same way about JLo.ReplyCancel

    • larami

      Michelle, I never even thought about that. Exact same situation, I’m sure.ReplyCancel

It’s at about 10:30 every evening that I decide whether the final hour-and-a-half of my night will be spent finishing up chores, getting a head-start on the following day, or scouring the internet for pretty things. Tonight I did what any real winner would do and said poo on those responsibilities. In my folly, I […]

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  • kdavis

    You had a skirt almost just like that long ago….I remember wanting it, and the shoes you had on with it. hahahah Your first day at SanJac.ReplyCancel

Just after skydiving for my 31st birthday, I decided that the following year, I would participate in a Mud Run and finally tackle my fear and loathing of running. My entire life, I have probably run a cumulative distance of 1.85 miles. And about 75% of that distance was run gasping, crippled over in sheer […]

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