
…is how I would describe my parental performance today. Slept in, made cereal for breakfast even though I had plenty of time to make a hot one, watched tv, had a processed meat cook-out in our pj’s, and let them spend way too much time running around naked. We did, however learn about a new dinosaur (Lesothosauraus….ask somebody) and the term “camouflage”. When we talked about it after the show I remembered that their Uncle Jesse had given them these camouflage hunting jumpsuits two Christmas’s ago so I pulled them out and stuffed them inside them (remember, they’re 2 years too small) and had them “hide” themselves in the bushes outside. They took this game very seriously and there wasn’t much you could do to convince them they weren’t completely invisible. Hopefully after naps, we can all change into clothes that actually fit and do something productive.


No, those are not intended to be capris.

Let’s count how many things are wrong in this picture.

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  • Megan Martinez

    You are such a fun Mom!!! I bet they had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ReplyCancel