I mentioned in my last post that the boys were soon to start preschool and all the anxiety and nausea and tears I had been experiencing leading up to that day. Ok, I may have left that last part out. Well I’m thrilled to report that the first day was a HUGE success and all four of us remained tear-free! We picked them up while they were having lunch and got a chance to spy on them a bit without us seeing them. I’m sure we didn’t look at all creepy peering into a cafeteria full of kids with big goofy smiles on our faces. It was just about the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. It’s not often that we see them around so many other children, and it’s even less often that we see them sitting apart from each other.
Already, they’ve learned a song which we can only interpret to be “Jeeeeeesus…I’m a muncher!”. Now I’ll admit that I took a bit of a hiatus from church, but in all my years, I’ve never heard the term muncher used in a religious discussion, so…yeah, we might need to talk about that song. They also learned how to sit “criss-cross-applesauce” or what less politically correct poeple (myself included) will always refer to as “Indian Style”. We even attended our first Family Night at the school where we ate a combined total of about a dozen hot dogs and the boys competed in a watermelon seed spitting contest. Fun stuff.
I’m so excited about everything the boys are going to experience this year. They’ve already informed us that they never want to go to school again, but they say that any time we leave them somewhere and always end up having a ball (or at least tolerating it). We’ll see what this week brings.